A large Californian County employed Trix conversion services to convert 2180 TIFF (scanned) tax maps into AutoCAD DWG format so that they could create a 2D tax map of the county. The Assessor’s [...]
As built CAD services. Prepare AutoCAD reproductions of all information (indexes, notes, legends, schedules, dimensions, tags etc) on all sheets from PDF files. Deliver architectural, landscape, [...]
Over a 4 year period we converted and baselined 23730 technically illustration TIFF files to CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) format and 3878 TIFF files to DWG format. This was successfully [...]
Produced a BIM model for a $110 million, 14 floor, 418,000 square foot residential complex, featuring high-end apartments, a five-level self-parking automated garage, pool and luxury amenities in [...]
Over a period of 30 months we have converted, on a daily basis, over 35,752 hand drawn building floor plans to AutoCAD for The Testing Lab, a UK expert in Asbestos, Legionella, Fire Risk and [...]